Wednesday, December 8, 2010

THANK YOU, Senator Joseph Lieberman, for having a HEART for the Missing!

THANK YOU, Senator Joseph Lieberman, for having a HEART for the Missing ... From Peace4 the Missing's Families of Missing Loved Ones ...



WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Joe Lieberman (ID-CT) introduced legislation to assist the families of missing adults.  The measure, called the Help Find the Missing Act, or Billy’s Law (H.R. 3695), is named for Waterbury-resident Billy Smolinski Jr., who disappeared from his home on August 24, 2004.  The legislation will improve data-sharing about missing people; assist law enforcement in advancing their efforts to compile and track missing persons data; and provide funding to improve, monitor and maintain that data. 


Senator Lieberman issued the following statement:


“As a parent, my heart goes out to every family that has experienced the disappearance of a loved one.  Each year, tens of thousands of Americans go missing, causing heartbreak and loss for people across the country.  Passing Billy’s Law will offer families of missing adults confidence that we are doing everything we can to locate their loved ones.  I thank Jan and Bill Smolinski of Waterbury, Connecticut for their courage and perseverance as they continue the search for their son, Billy Smolinski, Jr., who disappeared without a trace on August 24, 2004.  I am grateful for the support that my colleagues Senator Schumer, Gillibrand, and Merkley have offered for this legislation and remain committed to doing everything possible in the United States Senate to assist families of missing adults.”

The Man behind the Bill - Missing Billy Smolinski -

Billy's Mom, Who ALWAYS HOPES!  -  Jan Smolinski


Posted on Peace4 the Missing

Support The Help The Missing Act a.k.a. Billy’s Law (S.3019)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Billy Smolinski, the Missing Son who Inspired the Creation of Billy's Law

We at Peace4 the Missing are so proud to have Billy's Mom, Jan Smolinski as a part of this place ... and even more so forever grateful to Billy and his family for the creation of Billy's Law.

"Uncertainty is a cancer that crushes the spirit of loved ones left behind.  With this bill, we have an opportunity to make changes nationwide and gives families like mine hope for a better, more certain tomorrow," said (Jan) Smolinski.

Every year tens of thousands of Americans go missing, never to be seen by their loved ones again.  At the same time, there are also an estimated 40,000 sets of unidentified human remains that are being held or disposed of across the country, and no organized system to match cases and remains.  Billy's family has experienced many obstacles in searching for their missing son, including disconnected federal databases and a systematic reluctance to prioritize missing adult cases.

"Billy's Law," introduced by Murphy and Poe last year, empowers families and loved ones of the missing to find justice by helping to secure funding for the only federal missing persons and unidentified remains database that can be cross-searched, accessed and added to by the public - the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs).  This database enables the loved ones of the missing to spend countless hours searching for a match and add invaluable information to the case profile that only they know.

The legislation helps to streamline the reporting process for law enforcement and medical examiners by connecting two major federal missing persons and unidentified remains databases- the FBI's National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and the NamUs.  Connecting these databases makes them more comprehensive and more likely to lead to a missing person or unidentified remains match.

Billy's Law also creates an incentive grants program to coroners, medical examiners, and law enforcement agencies to help facilitate the reporting of missing persons and unidentified remains to the federal databases. Grants can also be used for training programs on how to correctly use the databases and best handle these cases.

Billy's Law builds upon Connecticut's 2007 Law Enforcement and Missing Persons law as it also calls for the issuance of broad recommendations for standards and procedures for law enforcement to follow in dealing with missing persons and unidentified remains.

"The Smolinskis story is tragic, but this family's pursuit of justice, and desire to change the system for the better, is nothing less than heroic.  I thank Jan for her courage to fight the system and change it for others across the nation," said Murphy.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 WITH Billy's Law: Stronger Together - A Perfect Match

Billy's Law (The Help Find the Missing Act) is a proposed bill that was created in order to strengthen and increase utilization of our National Missing Persons Database (NamUs.Gov)

S. 3019 (more commonly known as Billy's Law) would authorize funding for, and increase accessibility to, (NamUs.Gov) the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, to facilitate data sharing between such system and the National Crime Information Center database of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to provide incentive grants to help facilitate reporting to such systems.

In order to improve the current situation of how all Missing Persons cases are handled within the United States it is of ESSENTIAL importance that we all actively work together to ensure the passage of Billy's Law

 ... please do so now by clicking on the link below and taking action!

Additional details regarding are updated frequently and can be found on Peace4 the Missing ...

Billy's Mom, Jan Smolinski, An Eagle Rare Life Award 2011 Nominee

VOTE for Jan Smolinski at Mom of missing Billy Smolinski and the force behind Billy's Law now in the Senate - S.3019

Vote Daily For Jan Smolinski, An Eagle Rare Life!

Jan states: "Should my story be chosen as the Rare Life winner, I hope to share the award with the community most effected. There are many John and Jane Does buried in Potter's Fields throughout the nation. Often the cost of the exhumation itself is the single obstacle between these poor souls and the DNA sampling that will help them to be returned to their family."

Find Out More Here About Billy's Law and NamUs!

Actively Aware: Jan Smolinski, Nominee of the Eagle Rare Life Award 2011

Peace4 the Missing

A Voice Platform and Support Network for Families with Missing Loved Ones

Monday, August 2, 2010

leave no stone unturned

A must read for all Family Members of the Missing ...

TRIPLE CHECK your family members NamUs profile NOW! 

Make certain that steps have been taken to include all DNA/Dental info on their NamUs profile!

You deserve answers - this MUST be done in order to help you receive them.

Please click the link below to find out more and how to do so.

If you are FOR the Missing - you are FOR NamUs.Gov and if you are for NamUs.Gov - you are FOR Billy's Law - they all go hand in hand - Support them by choosing today to make a huge, positive difference in the lives of many.

3 Simple Steps to Help Find the Missing - Billy's Law

1. Copy/Paste this letter located HERE

2. Go HERE to find contact info for Senators on the United States Judicial Committee

3. Fill out the form on each of their individual websites (copy/paste the letter in the remarks area) and click send ...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Make History - Participate in the passing of Billy's Law

The following video is a simple version of the revolutionary action that is currently going on regarding Billy's Law, The Help Find the Missing Act ...

We are currently at status point = (S3019) Senate Judiciary Committee.

At this time (especially now through August 9th) it is of essential importance that all of us contact each member on the Committee and encourage them to co-sponsor Billy's Law.

Here's how to go about that in 3 simple and very easy steps ...
1. Copy/Paste this letter located HERE
2. Go HERE to find contact info for Senators on the United States Judicial Committee
3. Fill out the form on each of their individual websites (copy/paste the letter in the remarks area) and click send ...

S. 3019 would authorize funding for, and increase accessibility to, (NamUs.Gov) the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, to facilitate data sharing between such system and the National Crime Information Center database of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to provide incentive grants to help facilitate reporting to such systems.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Facebook Challenge ~ Change Your Profile Pic in Support of Billy's Law TODAY!

Billy's Law profile pic options attached ... change yours on Facebook in support of Billy's Law ... spread awareness and let it be known that You actively support the Help Find the Missing Act!

But don't stop there! ... Next, challenge others as well to show their Billy's Law support and actively participate in the 3 Simple Steps to Save Billy's Law ...

1. Copy/Paste this letter located HERE
2. Go HERE to find contact info for Senators on the United States Judicial Committee
3. Fill out the form on each of their individual websites (copy/paste the letter in the remarks area) and click send ...

It truly does take a Village ... and that Village is where You Live!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Help Save Billy's Law!

Click HERE to Help Save Billy's Law Now!

1. Copy/Paste this letter located HERE
2. Go HERE to find contact info for Senators on the United States Judicial Committee
3. Fill out the form on each of their individual websites (copy/paste the letter in the remarks area) and click send ...

Why Do We Need Billy's Law?

How could anyone oppose an opportunity to find a missing loved one?
Finally a centralized database ... all information available about the missing person in one central place ... like one stop shopping entered into a database ~ it is like having a million eyes watching.  By supporting ... The Help find the Missing Act ... Billy's Law (if it becomes law) will help expedite the education and introduction (in some cases) into the Law Enforcement & Medical Examiners because it offers incentives to educate law enforcement in this country.

If someone you love so dearly goes missing you want the solution yesterday not tomorrow.
Families get so frustated law enforcement is not doing enough, well here is the wake up call, an opportunity to become more CSI like you see on tv. A person can still be alive and the NamUs database can still be utilized to help bring them home.

(by Jan Smolinski, Billy's Mom)

3 Simple Steps to Help Find the Missing - Billy's Law

Monday, July 12, 2010

If you're for the Missing, You're for Billy's Law

We have within our ability the opportunity to pass a LAW that will have a revolutionary positive impact upon the lives of all Missing Persons, their Loved Ones and all those at all involved and/or potentially involved (which is everyone on the planet, btw - ;) with this issue.

The truth is ... EVERYTHING else that you could do, are doing and/or may someday accomplish for ANY missing person within the United States of America directly hinges upon and would be significantly improved by passage of The Help Find the Missing Act (ie. Billy's Law) ...

Time is URGENT, we ALL must contribute to, spread awareness of and spend some of our time dedicated towards THIS issue ... NOW is the time to put it on the forefront of your "To Do's" and MAKE IT HAPPEN ... Tomorrow WILL BE too late ... There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for anyone with a passion and heart for the missing to not do so ...

Tell the United States Judiciary Committee Senators to pass Billy's Law (S3019) NOW! ~ Sample Letter Here!

Okay so ... how do we do this?

It's simple ... honestly ... SIMPLE!

Here's the plan ...

1. Copy/Paste this letter located HERE
2. Go HERE to find contact info for Senators on the United States Judicial Committee
3. Fill out the form on each of their individual websites (copy/paste the letter in the remarks area) and click send ...

That's it ...

Honestly, 3 simple steps and you've changed the world ... just think of how well you'll sleep tonight and feel in general after doing so.

Who wouldn't want to be a part of enriching the future of America and positively impacting our countries history.

Well, here's your chance to do so ... don't miss out ... ACT Now.

And thank you for doing so ... xoxo

Please join us at Peace4 the Missing
Missing Persons Awareness and Support Network

Friday, July 9, 2010

Your Voice Counts for Missing Persons Change!

Tell the United States Senators to pass Billy's Law (S3019) NOW! ~ Sample Letter Here!

Please take just one short moment of your time to urge your senators to support and strengthen the Help Find the Missing Act ~ (S3019) Billy's Law. It is up to us to make our voices heard — for the dignity and sanctity of each missing loved one and nameless human life!

The following was written by Billy's Mother, Jan Smolinski ...

If anyone has watched the journey our family has taken to try and find a real person, disappeared, ignored by the authorities as a walk away, hurtful remarks made, evidence lost, entries wrong and incomplete, six years later and still the enormous up hill push just to bring my son home.

Please Help Find Our Missing Loved Ones
We are just a small example of the thousands of families who have to face the reality of a similar nightmare/silent crisis that faces our nation today.

Education is the key~~there is a centralized database that will help connect the dots possibly make matches or bring a loved one home called NamUs.

Imagine a person you love so dearly, a child perhaps (no matter the age they are always your child) go missing with very little attention ~ to then finally receive HOPE ... who would not stand up and say WAIT this is what we have been waiting for! ?? Perhaps a solution?

In our state of Connecticut, like most states, Billy has been missing for six years, but yet the state police ~ public safety ~ have not and will not put Billy as a missing person on their database because they say he is not their case. We questioned and were told Billy's case belongs in the lead agency database, ok, but the computers don't connect, so it will not work.

Our country is in desperate need of a new system, the disjointed, confusing process and tools currently available prior to the creation of NamUs were not working! And unfortunately, until more agencies are required to utilize NamUs (part of what Billy's Law would initiate) this broken, ineffective method will continue.

Now for the first time ever a centralized database is available and incentives are needed to help train law enforcement and medical examiners/coroners how to enter the information and take DNA samples, put into the proper databases, results that are much needed, a resolution for the family of a missing loved one may be possible, it is proven to have worked already.

A missing person DOES NOT have to be deceased for this to work.

Check your local or state clearinghouses, look at the disaster of information entered ... see for yourself the tangled web of missing pieces, entries here there and everywhere and dead ends ... it doesn't make sense.

You decide ... is this the kind of system you'd want to put the majority of your hopes for finding your missing loved one into??

If you say I don't have to worry about this it won't happen to my family, think again ~ NO ONE IS EXEMPT!!

It is time to wake up!

It is time to
get the ball rolling and support the best database to date.

If law enforcement is here to serve and protect then lets educate them how to help serve and protect. It is not their fault if they are not trained, incentives are needed to help in the process.

It is 2010, this is why we in this country need S3019 ~ Help Find the Missing Act ~ Billy's Law.

Email each member on the Judiciary committee, ask each Senator to co sponsor the bill.

If it happened to one of theirs they would certainly want the best way to help achieve answers.

How to make your voice count ...

A sample letter/email for Senators that you can use is located at the following link ...

Contact page for United States Judiciary Committee Senators ...

Additional details can be found by clicking on the following link ...

Please join us at Peace4 the Missing

Missing Persons Awareness and Support Network

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Speak Out and Speak Up - Why do you support NamUs/Billy's Law?

Please take a moment to share why you support Billy's Law at link below ...

In addition, please don't forget that EMAILS to Judiciary Committee Members via their web pages need to go out ASAP!  It is very important for us all to fill their inboxes with support for Billy's Law ~ The Help Find the Missing Act!

**There are two U.S senators per state and you DO NOT need to be a resident of the state to email the Senator!**

The Action Behind Billy's Law - NamUs.Gov

The Help Find The Missing Act ~ Billy's Law
We All Must Act Now - Please do your part by sending out your EMAILS to Judiciary Committee Members via their web pages ASAP!

**There are two U.S senators per state and you DO NOT need to be a resident of the state to email the Senator!**

Monday, July 5, 2010

Join the Billy's Law Campaign for much needed Senate Judiciary Co Sponsors!

We All Must Act Now - Send an EMAIL to Judiciary Committee Members on their website!

The way the bill is taking its course has changed. Instead of expediting it through the system it will be going through the normal process. Right now there are nineteen Judiciary members one of them happens to be Senator Coburn so asking him to co sponsor is great. I wish he would reconsider how important the bill is for present and future families.

There are eighteen other members, one is a co sponsor already from New York, the rest need to be contacted and asked to co sponsor. If you could include a few lines about the disappearance of your missing loved one it would help.

A list of members and contact numbers are provided. If you ARE a state resident of one of the nineteen co sponsors a phone call and/or email from your Senator's contact information on their site will be acceptable please include if possible a few lines about your personal story if applicable.

July 4-11 there will be a recess and most Senators will be traveling to their home state. At this time they will be making appearances and face to face would be the best to ask for co sponsorship of the bill. They need to know there is support for this explaining your story and how it has affected your life will add to the need for a bill such as Help Find the Missing Act. If the state you live in includes one of the nineteen Senator Judiciary members, by going onto their web site, a list of places where they will be appearing will be provided.

Click on the blue line
and the Judiciary member names will appear.

Please click link below for additional details regarding ...

Videos on The Help Find the Missing Act (Billy's Law, HR3695) ACT NOW, PART 1 and 2

The way the bill is taking its course has changed. Instead of expediting it through the system it will be going through the normal process.

Which means that ... We All Must Act Now! - Please do send an EMAIL to Judiciary Committee Members on their websites!

Please click link below for additional details regarding ...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Thank You Senator Lieberman for truly Believing in Billy's Law

Parents of Missing Man Look to Lieberman for Help

Updated 2:00 PM EDT, Mon, Mar 29, 2010

The parents of a missing Waterbury man are looking for help from U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman to pass a bill to help find missing adults.
"Billy's Law," named after Billy Smolinski, also known as"Help Find The Missing Act," calls for more resources to identify remains. His parents, Janice and William Smolinskiof Chester, met with Lieberman and Waterbury Mayor Michael Jarjura on Monday.
Last month, the House passed the bill and it was introduced into the Senate. It would set aside more funding and make other changes to help police nationwide share data more easily to help locate missing adults.
Billy Smolinski was 31 when he disappeared in August 2004 and his family has conducted exhaustive searches for the Waterbury man.
The Smolinskis said that during their search for their son, they've discovered systematic problems in how missing persons cases are handled.
Testifying before a congressional judiciary subcommittee last year, Mrs. Smolinski explained that in her son's case, his disappearance was initially dismissed by local police. Later, DNA in the investigation was mishandled, Mrs. Smolinski said.
Federal law requires law enforcement to report missing children, but not adults and not unidentified bodies.
That means databases designed to help police investigators close missing persons cases are incomplete and often unused, Janice Smolinski said.
Billy's Law would link the only public database, known asNamUs--National Missing and Unidentified Persons System--that has information on both missing and unidentified cases, with a Federal Bureau of Identification database.
It also calls for up to $10 million in grants for coroners and police training on using the databases and for handling missing persons cases.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

NamUs can crack missing person cases - Billy's Law ensures its use

MINNEAPOLIS — A new online database promises to crack some of the nation's 100,000 missing persons cases and provide answers to desperate families, but only a fraction of law enforcement agencies are using it.
The clearinghouse, dubbed NamUs (Name Us), offers a quick way to check whether a missing loved one might be among the 40,000 sets of unidentified remains that languish at any given time with medical examiners across the country. NamUs is free, yet many law enforcement agencies still aren't aware of it, and others aren't convinced they should use their limited staff resources to participate.
Janice Smolinski hopes that changes — and soon. Her son, Billy, was 31 when he vanished five years ago. The Cheshire, Conn., woman fears he was murdered, his body hidden away.
FILE- In a photo made March 17, 2007, Janice Smolinski poses in her Cheshire, Conn., home where a photo of her son, Billy, is visible in the foreground. Billy disappeared from his Waterbury, Conn. home in Aug. 2004 and Smolinski believes a Justice Department database program will someday help find her son who was 31 when he vanished. (AP Photo/Michelle McLoughlin, File)

She's now championing a bill in Congress, named "Billy's Law" after her son, that would set aside more funding and make other changes to encourage wider use of NamUs. Only about 1,100 of the nearly 17,000 law enforcement agencies nationwide are registered to use the system, even though it already has been hailed for solving 16 cases since it became fully operational last year.
"As these cases become more well known, as people learn about the successes of NamUs, more and more agencies are going to want to be part of it," said Kristina Rose, acting director of the National Institute of Justice at the Justice Department.
Before NamUs, families and investigators had to go through the slow process of checking with medical examiner's offices one by one. As the Smolinski family searched for clues to Billy's fate, they met a maze of federal, state and nonprofit missing person databases that weren't completely public and didn't share information well with each other.
NamUs, the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, allows one-stop sleuthing for amateurs, families and police. Anyone can enter all the data they have on a missing person, including descriptions, photos, fingerprints, dental records and DNA. Medical examiners can enter the same data on unidentified bodies, and anyone can search the database for potential matches that warrant further investigation.
So far, about 6,200 sets of remains and nearly 2,800 missing people have been entered, said Kevin Lothridge, CEO of the National Forensic Science Technology Center in Largo, Fla., which runs NamUs for the Justice Department.
Detective Jim Shields of the Omaha, Neb., Police Department hadn't heard about NamUs until he saw a presentation at a conference in 2008. He then had a local volunteer associated with NamUs input his data on several missing people.
Among them was Luis Fernandez, who had been missing for nearly a year before his family went to police in 2008. Shields didn't have a lot on Fernandez, a known gang member who'd been in and out of jail — only gender, race, height, weight, age and some data on his tattoos.
It proved to be enough. Just a few weeks later, similarities were spotted with the unidentified remains of a homicide victim found in a farm field in Iowa in 2007. In January, a lab informed Shields it had a DNA match — and that he could break the news to Fernandez' family.
"I could say fairly certainly that this would never have been solved if not for NamUs," Shields said.
Some other recent successes:
_ Paula Beverly Davis, of the Kansas City, Mo., area, had been missing for 22 years until a relative saw a public service announcement on TV in October for NamUs and told her sister, who gave it a try. Among the 10 matches her sister found were a body dumped in Ohio in 1987 that had the same rose and unicorn tattoos as her sister. DNA tests confirmed the body was Davis.
_ Sonia Lente disappeared in 2002. Last June, an amateur cybersleuth with the Doe Network, a nationwide volunteer group that helps law enforcement solve cold cases, noticed similarities between Lente's description in NamUs and an unidentified body found near Albuquerque, N.M., in 2004. Dental records later established it was Lente.
Detective Stuart Somershoe of the Phoenix Police Department said his agency, which has over 500 open missing persons cases, just finished entering 100 cases into NamUs. He's hopeful his department can make a match.
"It's kind of time-consuming but I think it's a worthwhile program," Somershoe said.
NamUs grew out of a Justice Department task force working on the challenge of solving missing persons cases. One need that the task force identified was to give people who could help solve cases better access to database information.
"Billy's Law" sailed through the House late last month and is pending in the Senate, where supporters are confident it will easily pass.
The bill would authorize $10 million in grants annually that police, sheriffs, medical examiners and coroners could use to train people to use NamUs and to help cover the costs of entering data into the system. It would also authorize another $2.4 million a year to run the system and ensure permanent funding.
The bill would also link NamUs with a major FBI crime database that's now available only to law enforcement, partly because it contains sensitive information about ongoing investigations. That confidential data would be withheld from NamUs when necessary.
Billy Smolinski, of Waterbury, Conn., was last seen Aug. 24, 2004, when he asked a neighbor to look after his dog. His pickup truck was later found outside his home, though not where he usually parked it. His wallet and other belongings were still inside.
The Smolinski family first struggled to get police to take a missing adult case seriously. It took a long time for investigators to finally conclude Billy had been killed, perhaps as a result of a love triangle gone sour. The family put up reward posters, searched places where they thought his body might have been hidden and kept pressure on police.
Smolinski said she came to see how police were often overwhelmed, but to her NamUs is a "no-brainer."
"If they find remains I'm hopeful they'll identify him through NamUs," Smolinski said.