Tuesday, January 4, 2011

THIS is the story of Billy (Billy's Law) Smolinski

Watch the ENTIRE EPISODE of Billy Smolinski's missing persons case story that was featured as an episode on Investigation Discovery right here ...

Billy is the Missing Son of our Peace4, Jan Smolinski - Jan created Billy's Law - the act to HELP FIND THE MISSING ... to help protect other families from ever having to endure many of the unnecessary, horror their family endured while seeking for their missing son.

This is not a closed case - the Smolinski family is still actively seeking justice for Billy ... do you know something? Can you help spread the word? http://justice4billy.com

Peace4 the Missing

Click on image above to go to the NamUs.gov profile of William 'Billy' Smolinski ...

Billy Smolinski on Investigation Discovery, part 1/4

Billy Smolinski on Investigation Discovery, part 2/4

Billy Smolinski on Investigation Discovery, part 3/4

Billy Smolinski on Investigation Discovery, part 4/4