Sunday, January 31, 2010

Billy's Law Facts, Legislative Process Guide, Q&A

Congress, Billy's Law Facts, Guide, Q&A  -  Posted by Larrry Ramsdell in NamUs.Gov & Billy's Law/HR 3695 
I have created this discussion for a couple of different reasons, to point out a few facts, for you to respond on your progress on cosponsors from the Senate, and for any questions that you may have on the topic of Congressman and Senators. We will be checking from time to time and one of us will answer your questions ASAP.
First of all I would like to point out an important fact on Congress
Congressman are the U.S. House of Representatives...Senators make up the Senate...TOGETHER CONGRESSMAN AND SENATORS AS A GROUP IS CONGRESS.
 Click on the link above to find your Senators phone, email, addressee
A Few Tips For Filling Out This Form ...

After you click on the link, click choose a state...Both of your senators will appear....Then click on Web form which is (contact info).

As you are filling out the form you will get to A box marked choose a topic or issue, click on Homeland Security, most senators offer this if not click on Other. Finally you may have another box marked subject If so fill in HR3695 BILLY'S LAW.

NOTE: When filling out the message box if you have a personal story you would like to add why you are in support of this Bill, please do.

Senator Joe Lieberman of CT. Is The Sponsor of HR3695

If there are questions asked by your Senators DC office refer them to Senator Lieberman's DC office who will answer any questions or concerns
they may have.

When you are emailing or calling it is very important that you let
them know that Senator Lieberman is the sponsor of this bill. All
Senators do not have judiciary staffers, so you may speak with who
ever may answer the phone.